COVID-19 and Working from Home

Quick thoughts about working remotely, with kids at home, during the COVID-19 pandemic:

First, I realize and recognize that many out there have jobs where telecommuting is not a possibility. During this pandemic, tough choices need to be made. It’s not just at the government or business level that those tough decisions are made. Every individual and family have to make choices which balance providing (financially) for family and safety through isolation or social distancing.

This is about how my family is trying to make it happen.

I’m blessed to be in a position and point in my career where I can telework. Although if staffing levels at the 9-1-1 center(s) I support take a big hit, I may have to hop off the proverbial bench and show up to answer 9-1-1 calls, etc.

My wife is doing her best to be working from home, though her company’s policy for COVID-19 still had people physically huddled in a meeting room as of yesterday. Hopefully she won’t have to go back in the office. If she does have to go back to the office, she may be able to time her arrival and departure to avoid other staff. Other options include burning through vacation time, but that isn’t always a guarantee. Businesses choose to stay open and operate. From an employee perspective, bills need to be paid.

The kids’ school has been shuttered for at least the rest of this month. They have been tasked with e-learning assignments. SAT and ACT studying still happens. Of course, video games, movies, artistic sketching, and music appreciation are interwoven into their days. There’s a mixed level of understanding of the gravity of the public health crisis.  There’s mixed reaction to our (the parents’) shelter-in-place policy. After all, they still want to see their friends. Relationships at their age (mid-teens) are so important.

Yesterday, we made a point as a family to watch both the President’s press conference and the Illinois Governor’s press conference regarding COVID-19. I think it helped to kids to see that we are taking the situation as seriously as our governments’ leaders are asking us. We could have a lively discussion about what leaders are doing, could be doing, have or haven’t done, but this writing is not an invitation to do that.

This is about how my family is trying to make it happen.

In the middle and surrounding all of this is our faith. God is not distant and has us in his hands. But I think he’s expecting us to wash our hands, and maintain responsible social distance in this time.  That’s my take-away.

Published by David A. Larson

David Larson writes about theology and mission from a cultural-linguistic perspective.

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